Sunday, October 7, 2007

Postacrime on Fox News

One of the benefits of being in a major paper is you get lots of interested and interesting readers. We had one especially interested reader: Jamie Colby. If you're familiar with Fox News, you'll know that Jamie is the host of Fox Online. A show "where the news meets the net."
So, we got a call from the producer who wanted to put Postacrime on Fox Online. We put David Stone on there to talk with Jamie. They had also invited Officer Grannis of the Bellevue Police Department. Officer Grannis raised some valid points, and I think David did a good job addressing them. Please remember this: If you're the victim of a crime, please please please report it to the proper authorities first.
David did an awesome job on the show and really conveyed what we're trying to accomplish with the site. I'm going to see if I can convince David to write about what its like to be on national television. I'm also going to see if I can find a video of the interview so I can post it here, check back.

-- Edit by Adam --
I found the clip on YouTube

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